Sunday, February 24, 2013

The End Of An Era

The "Black Bag" no more.  Years ago when my oldest girls outgrew the need for a diaper bag, we graduated to a Baby Boom bag.  I have carried this bag for the past 11 years - it was stuffed with kid "stuff".  At varying times it might have held; a spare outfit for the youngest, busy toys, tissues, baby wipes, know the type of stuff you need when you are out and about with the kids.

Friday night we came home to the contents of the "black bag" (sometimes called the mommy bag) strewn all over the hallway of our house.  Our beagle (you remember the one who ate a whole bag of chocolate chips a month or so ago) had gotten into it for reasons only he knows (there was no food in it). Not only did he dump the stuff from the outside pockets, he chewed a hole in the top of it.

So I have now graduated from the mommy bag to a rather nice leather purse - it's a big one so I can still fit "kid stuff" in it as well as my own. It was time, but I will miss the "black bag" and the need for it. 

Sprocket hates being crated so much, and he had been doing so well, that we tried to be nice and let have the run of the house.  He will now be crated whenever we leave him alone, for his safety and our peace of mind.

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