Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Smile Says It All

Road trip was the theme for the Figure Skating Show this year.  Rachael's group skated to Route 66 and a Mardi Gras theme.  It was a fun night and was the culmination of this skating season.

Rachael has progressed through all the badge testing and will advance to the juniors next year. 

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

You Know You're A Farmer When....

  • You get more excited over a new pair of leather work gloves then you do new shoes
  • Tractor Supply is your favorite store
  • You are on a first name basis with the folks at the feed store
  • You notice an egg truck pulling into the parking lot as you drive pass the grocery store.  You point it out, and your youngest son can not understand why they would need to take eggs to the grocery store.  You try to explain that some people buy their eggs at the grocery store.  He just shakes his head in disbelief. In his world eggs come from chickens, the ones in your own back yard. 
  • You are waiting for your cow to church a young friend comes up and asks if the calf had been born yet.  Your middle daughter says no, but we have mucus.  The friend nods and understands - she's a farmer's kid too.
  • You sprain your hand and think - well at least it's not my best milking hand - got this one from a friend
  • The power goes out and you worry most about the new kids in the barn being without their heat lamp
  • When the snow storm hits your first thought is, thank goodness we got hay yesterday
  • You pull your cell phone out and it's full of hay, and you're not in the barn
  • You think to yourself goat manure is a lot nicer than cow manure, but horse is really the best
  • Your kids say, well everybody's manure looks healthy - got this from a friend
  • You say to your kids - as you are on the way to the car, don't step in the chicken manure with your church shoes on.

Friday, March 01, 2013

Two Golds And A Bronze

The Smile Says It All!

Rachael participated in a figure skating competition tonight.  She was in 3 events. The high point for her was winning a gold medal for the solo routine she had worked on all year. 

Skating lessons, 2 nights a week rushing supper and then sitting in a cold arena, a private coach. Her smile was worth it all.