Monday, February 11, 2013

Fortunately they don't go far

Last Friday morning, just as the blizzard was starting, I headed for the barn.  I noticed some rather large foot prints going around the yard.  Self, I said, those are not cat foot prints, they look almost like people prints.  Hmmmm, well no matter, maybe they were left over from yesterday, but, well, there was no snow yesterday.  I continued on to the barn, making note that Reed's gate was shut - so it couldn't be him.

I began feeding the goats and happened to look out the window and WHOA, there was Reed (Rhiannon's horse) right there standing up against the barn, and from the looks of him he had been there awhile.  I went out the back door and opened his gate.  He walked right in and went into his shelter. I brushed the snow off and gave him a little oats and corn.

Tonight, I went out to check on Muffet, my pregnant doe and Louie greeted me at the door, tail wagging like a propeller.  He had managed to squeeze out of his stall.  He is quite small and can fit through spaces that the does can not. He seemed quite proud of himself from the look on his face.  Brad fixed his stall, so hopefully he won't get out again.

 There is never a dull moment.....

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