Friday, January 11, 2013


Saturday, January 5th
26) Sunshine
27) Warmer weather, although more cold is coming.
28) Kids laying all around the living room.
29) Family night

Sunday, January 6th
30) Joyful noise
31) Snow
32) Kids all rosy cheeked and full of laughter from playing in the snow.
33) Hot Cocoa
34) Middle daughter playing Amazing Grace on the recorder.

Monday, January 7th
35) Husband who gets up for fire calls in the middle of the night.
36) Moonlight on snow
37) Oatmeal
38) Bedtime

Tuesday, January 8th
39) A good nights sleep
40) Wee hours of the morning - quiet
41) Shades of pink - sunrise
42) Froth on top of the milk
43) Fresh warm goats milk
44) Kids milling around the kitchen while I make supper.

Wednesday, January 9th
45) Sliver of a moon through my kitchen window in the early morning hours.
46) warm sudsy water as I wash the dishes left over from the night before.
47) Rumblings from upstairs as the rest of the house wakes up.
48) No TV
49) Oldest daughter and middle daughter upstairs singing
50) Reading

Thursday, January 10th 
51) Supper is planned
52) Two pots of soup on cooking even before heading out to do chores
53) Oldest daughter always up early on school days to get a head start
54) Sunshine in the winter
55) Youngest daughter "doing her dishes"
56) Making home made potato chips
57) Math with middle son
58) Everybody around the supper table
59) Husband reading from the bible
60) Neighbor who dropped off the angel food cake

Friday, January 11th
61) Youngest son who complains at the top of his lungs
62) Happy kids
63) Cozy fire in the wood stove
64) Dogs who clean up food spills

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