Thursday, January 24, 2013

COLD! We are going for the layered look.

The temperature has been frigid for the past 3 days.  Barely creeping into the single digits during the day and as low as 20 below at night, with a wind chill of negative 35.  The kind of weather I remember loving as a kid, because it meant that school would probably be closed.  As an adult, well it's a different story, being a farmer sure puts a whole new spin on weather. 

My poor goats were shivering yesterday morning - even with their goat coats on.  So I hauled out the clothing tubs, you know the ones that you put clothes in, thinking someday you might fit into them again.  I dug out 2 sweatshirts and managed to wrestle the goats into them and then put their goat coats back on.  Actually they really didn't mind getting dressed too much, reminded me of when I used to dress my cats as a kid.

This morning they were still cold, so once again I dug through the clothing tub. So now they are sporting an undershirt, a sweatshirt and a goat coat.  Hopefully they'll stay warm. In addition to the warm clothing, I make sure they have extra hay, and grain, and I take them warm water 3 times a day.

The weather should break on Saturday, my goats and I sure hope so.

Bo Peep - kinda looks like a super hero
Chloe sporting the bell bottom look.

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