Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day Lasted All Day

Yesterday, Mother's Day, started out on a good note, a couple of them to be exact

This one was on the fridge - compliments of Richard (7)

This one was on the mirror in the bathroom - compliments of Rachael (14)

I got to listen to Rhiannon (13) play the Doxology in Church as part of her Confirmation Class requirements.  Each student was required to participate in the service in some way. Other classmates were ushers, readers or greeters.


Richard (7) and Rebecca (4) planted flowers in cute little pots in Sunday School. Robert (12) and his class decorated cup cakes in ice cream cones.  Sorry no picture of that gift, it didn't last long enough, but it sure tasted good. 

After church, Brad and the kids took my mother and I out for lunch.

Later I got all kinds of gifts and cards from the kids and Brad and we rounded out the day with a chocolate cheese cake - made by Rhiannon.  It was delicious.

It was a great day.

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