Friday, March 30, 2012

Not Fast Food

The kids wanted hamburgers, fries and milk shakes for supper - home made at that.

Definitely not fast food

I started with fresh cold goat's milk and made vanilla ice cream, then added more cold fresh goat's milk and chocolate syrup to make the milk shakes.

The beef was locally grown and pasture raised.  My first attempt at hamburger rolls was a bit lacking, they were too small and a bit thick, but tasted good.  Instead of fries, I made chips - they cook faster, and the kids like them just as well.  Over all the meal was a success, a lot healthier than fast food BUT a whole lot more work.

Hamburger Buns
Chips in the making
Chips - the finished product

Friday, March 02, 2012

We have goats!!!

Meet the newest members of our farm family.

Brad built a nice little goat pen along one side of the milking area.

Bo Peep

These lovely girls arrived on February 23rd.  They belong to Welbian Farms.  Donna and Glen Pearce are loaning them to us until the goats we plan to buy from them kid.

Why goats you may be asking.  Well Dorothy is 18 months into her lactation and is due to calve in late May, so we needed to dry her off.  We needed a supply of milk during her dry period.  And since I have wanted goats since I was 9 years old, and specifically Oberhaslis for the past 3 years, we decided to get some.  We contacted Donna Pearce - a well known Oberhasli breeder to see what she had available. She did not have any Oberhaslis that would be in milk as soon as we needed them, but she kindly offered to loan us 2 lactating goats until her Oberhaslis kidded.

We are loving the goats and the milk. I have to say, I think I like goats milk better than cows milk, but shhhhhhhhhhh don't tell Dorothy, she'd be upset.

Bo Peep ready to be milked
Velvet ready to be milked